myDoqter 05/07/2021 09:05 PM

What is a Psychiatrist?

A Psychiatrist is a Board-Certified Doctor who treats and diagnoses all conditions pertaining to mental health, focusing, among others, on: the detection of mental illnesses, the treatment of learning disabilities, and the management of substance use disorders.

Ultimately, a Healthy Lifestyle and Prevention are the most important steps towards maintaining your mental health:

Important recommendations include:

- stay connected with family and friends
- use relaxation and stress management techniques such as yoga
- avoid excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs
- maintain a physical activity routine such as walking

Getting healthy and losing weight typically tops the list when it comes to New Years resolutions. We are big fans of a healthy lifestyle here at dermsd, but if you have any stubborn “problem areas” you may be a good candidate for Exilis Elite Ultra. Exilis is a non-invasive RF/ultrasound device for body contouring and tightening. While it can’t replace diet and exercise, a series of treatments can help with your new year, new you transformation!

#Obesity is one of the major health issues affecting the population in the US. It is directly linked to the risk of developing #Hypertension and #Diabetes. Consider lifestyle changes like a #healthy #balanced #diet and regular #exercise to fight obesity.

#Heart #Disease is the #1 Cause of Death in Women (all ages and ethnicities) in the U.S., with 22% of all women deaths yearly being due to it. Visit your #Primary #Care doctor every year and implement #Lifestyle modifications that can help reduce your risk of heart disease: #healthy #diet, adequate #sleep, daily #activity and #exercise, and #Stress #Reduction.
#HeartDisease #HeartAttack #Hypertension #PrimaryCare #Cardiology #Prevention #PreventiveMedicine

Patient Health Coaching can start as early as childhood! When children are involved in their own care and understand the benefits of lifestyle modifications on their health, they can achieve positive, long lasting results in the management of chronic health conditions. These include diabetes, obesity, heart disease, mental illness, and learning disabilities.